Do It For A Living Podcast:
We Discuss How Speed Academy Was Born

We’ve been big fans of the Do It For A Living podcast since the day Reid Lunde from KaizenSpeed launched it, and we’ve learned a lot as listeners. It’s an incredible resource for anyone currently working in the automotive performance aftermarket or aspiring to be, and we’re truly honoured to have been invited to contribute to this treasure trove of information and inspiration.

We’d like to thank Reid for starting something very special and generous with DIFAL, and we’d like to thank Kevin Dubois and Todd Earsley from Evolution Dynamics and MyShopAssist for partnering with Reid to keep it going. We encourage you all to subscribe to the podcast, because you’re sure to find a guest or two on their growing playlist that specializes in your personal areas of interest. Or if you just like swearing, Paul Yaw from Injector Dynamics is a must-listen (plus the dude is super smart and has a lot of insight into this industry).

Without further ado, we hope you enjoy our chat with Kevin and that we offer up something useful for the hour of your life you may choose to spend on it.

Peter Tarach & Dave Pratte discuss how they transitioned from print media to producing online content



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About fifteen minutes in now, probably finish later tonight but had to leave a comment about the creative control part. That’s what I love about having a space as well is that (for better or worse) no one is telling me what I can or cannot post. 
Really enjoying it so far as an aspirational content creator/blogger/site owner fella. More comments to come!